
Seeing the Goodness

  Shutterstock is offering free backgrounds for your virtual calls!   How are you doing?  I can imagine your days are filled with highs and lows, anxiety, coupled with feelings...

Seeing the Goodness

  Shutterstock is offering free backgrounds for your virtual calls!   How are you doing?  I can imagine your days are filled with highs and lows, anxiety, coupled with feelings...

Randi Mail – Cycling Passion

My hands grip the handlebars, palms pressing down on the cushions of my fingerless gloves. My back is straight, but I lean forward facing the wind. The steady breeze in...

Randi Mail – Cycling Passion

My hands grip the handlebars, palms pressing down on the cushions of my fingerless gloves. My back is straight, but I lean forward facing the wind. The steady breeze in...

Erika Riddington – Stone Cold December

“Each year as December approaches,And Earth turns gray, stone cold,Summer green lush is fadedAnd russet–brown overtakes gold,I’m not perplexed or longingfor that chroma, or sweet fruit that has been,But I...

Erika Riddington – Stone Cold December

“Each year as December approaches,And Earth turns gray, stone cold,Summer green lush is fadedAnd russet–brown overtakes gold,I’m not perplexed or longingfor that chroma, or sweet fruit that has been,But I...

Erika Riddington – Spooky Wonder

The spooky Wonder of the Natural World   Erika Riddington is a relatively new middle school science teacher, (former landscape architect), currently raising a family with her husband in Arlington,...

Erika Riddington – Spooky Wonder

The spooky Wonder of the Natural World   Erika Riddington is a relatively new middle school science teacher, (former landscape architect), currently raising a family with her husband in Arlington,...

Krister Allen – Fortnight Idaho

Momentary visual stimulation from the State of 208 – Serious, Quirky, simply Pretty and just plain ‘Challenged’ … Take a moment to look around – ignore your conditioned, often too...

Krister Allen – Fortnight Idaho

Momentary visual stimulation from the State of 208 – Serious, Quirky, simply Pretty and just plain ‘Challenged’ … Take a moment to look around – ignore your conditioned, often too...