Fall is fast upon us in New England with its cool and crisp air, leaves starting to show their new tawny hues, shorter days and chilly nights, farm stands packed with pumpkins and apples, warm sweaters, wool blankets and cozy fireside chats. During this transition from summer to fall my thoughts always turn to pots of soup bubbling on the stovetop. Soups are nurturing to the soul, warm you up on a cold day, and are packed with goodness.
I like to experiment with different flavors and textures in my soups and if you make a big pot of soup it can feed the family for days. I love all kinds – big pots of chili, winter squash soups, beans and rice infused soups, asian inspired soups, and especially good old fashioned tomato soup with a grilled cheese on the side. I’ve shared some of my favorites here with links to recipes and the makers. Enjoy!
- Peruvian Chicken Cauli Rice Soup from The Clean Plate