Carrie Allen – Dear Fish

Sometimes something small grabs your attention during your morning routine that makes you pause.  While sipping my coffee and perusing theSkimm in my inbox, the quote of the day caught my attention:

“The fishes loved receiving this anonymous postcard from a fan!” – A California aquarium on some fan mail it received – and apparently read aloud to its exotic fish. The fish flipped.

I clicked the link for further details on what this could mean.  So happy I did.  A photo is below.  Someone took time to write out a postcard for the fish and the aquarium staff read it to them.  In case you cannot read it below it says:

Dear fish, You are the best fish ever!  Some fish are thought to be scary But you are great!


I love, love this.  Passion at its best in a simple form.  So to all of you, have a great day.  Some of you are thought to be scary, but I think you’re great!

Carrie Allen created this site as a way for people to share stories about things they love. Read more about her inspiration here. 

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