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Anisa Sabet – The Truffle Farm

Black truffles have an earthy, slightly woody, intense flavor.  They are hard to find and usually require a dog or animal with a good sense of smell to sniff out the delicacies, which grow under a certain type of tree in the roots, then the truffle hunter must dig them up.  I love truffle oil and the hint of fresh truffles in savory foods.  Anisa Sabet shared photos from The Truffle Farm in Canaberra on her blog in her Shoot Diary and I will share some of them here.  They are lush and gorgeous.  Truly works of art.


All photos by Anisa Sabet


Carrie Allen created this site as a way for people to share stories about things they love.  She loves chasing quiet, authentic moments and sharing them with her family and friends.  Read more about her inspiration here.