As the school closings started to come in this afternoon because of the impending blizzard, my 12 year old daughter texted me at work to say there would be no school tomorrow so could I please pick up a few things up from the store. For those of you that know her, you won’t be surprised by her forward thinking. For those of you who do not, she is fastidious, loves to plan, likes things to be orderly, and is often a worrier.
Her list made me smile in its simplicity and intent: hot chocolate, marshmallows and waffles. I knew at that moment she was picturing our snow day, with the white snow billowing outside in the frosty wind and with us warm inside, sipping cocoa and munching on waffles. Her perfect snow day.
With this in mind, I thought it might be fun to post a few suggestions on things you can do on a snow day.
- Build a snow man, of course
- Bake cupcakes, muffins or cookies and enjoy with a cup of hot cocoa
- Pull out your art supplies, pens, pencils, paper, scissors and glue. See what happens.
- Play a board game like monopoly or maybe a game of charades
- Shovel snow – don’t forget to help your neighbors who cannot shovel
How do you like to spend your snow days? Leave a comment below and please share.
Carrie Allen created this site as a way for people to share stories about things they love. Read more about her inspiration here.